Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Struggle to Begin

I find it hard talking about anything here. I've come to the realization that the only reason anyone will read about you is if you make yourself important enough to do so. Weather you are reallu important or not is unnecessary information. Most of the time I've learnt to do that through comedy. But writing comedy on a journal is more of a hassle than I imagined.

I always considered reading the other classmates blogs to get and idea but I don't have the link. I never got the link. I should probably send an email asking for the link. In the mean time I have wasted too much time and now have to type something. Maybe I should write about how scary it is that I am making videos. Its odd I understand the logic of these videos and have been watching the likes of them long before I found out they were art.

The GIJoe PSAs were hilarious and I was suprised to find them labelled as video art. All of a sudden the entire video art scene seems bigger than me and I can't seem to focus.

Some of the works are serious. They make me feel that I will never be taken serious unless I create something that is deep or experimental. The only solution for me, being unserious by nature, is to create extremely experimental works while maintaining my light heartedness by saying jokes. Besides when you say jokes people tend to disregard your flaws. Thats what most overweight people gravitate to. It's an excellent strategy.

I shouldnt complain though. This class is the only one giving me great feedback. The other art classes are somewhat draining my soul and I dont even want to think about my Baroque History class.

I'll have to see how far I come.

Now back to animating.

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