Monday, November 16, 2009

Assignment 04 - "A Painful Look into my Writing Process" by Chel White

Through my time in New Media: Video, I have been attempting to find a balance between artistic and commercial. Artistic is more organic and more true to self and is what people seek when looking at artwork. The commercial side of me, however, wishes to explain things to people in a clear way so it will never be misunderstood. Both are difficult, and I constantly try to find where the medium is.

It was this way of thinking that brought me to envy this video by Chel White. He was able to create an easily comprehended piece that still counts as an art piece. I'm not sure how he accomplished it really. I feel it might have been the amount of work it must've taken to collect and engineer all the photographs and images he used and to form the visual narrative and the work it must have taken to specifically choose and place them as desired. This aspect is only quantified by the fact that my experience with editing assists me in understanding even how much more difficult it was. The second, and strangest part to me, is how honest the piece actually is. Whenever I listed to it again, it sounds as though it was made to make the audience laugh, sadly I won't actually know unless I become a writer. Then again it's completely possible that is, in fact, what he does and it is actually that outlandish.

In the end, however, it is an inspiring piece that helps in pushing the idea that being true to yourself doesn't mean you have to be cryptic.... and I shall work to find a balance that, in turn, works for me.

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