Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Orange Dream

Orange Dream is a collaborated project by Onemena Ofurhie and Daniel Davis. Its is an alternate project created by the artists in lieu of their original project which consisted of a Paladin engulfed in glowing gold aura; a plan which was scrapped due to time constraints and the difficulty in actually finding a Paladin.

The audience is faced with liquor-creating apparatus laid on a table and both are pushed against a projection screen. A well-dressed figure is projected onto the screen and commences to creating a drink with the tools which the tangible objects displayed on the table. The piece loops infinitely, giving the audience more time to appreciate and enjoy the many different points of interest in the creation of the drink.

The installation speaks out to "art for arts sake", an idea which both artists share. It is made to be free from all form of social criticism, emotional influence or other distractions. That however didn't stop the artists from creating a well crafted Video installation. The crisp and colorful imagery and it's presentation are eye catching and captivating both with or without lighting. The actor in the projected video moves meticulously through the motion of creating the drink, a process which can be watched for long periods without loosing appeal.

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