Sunday, May 2, 2010

06 - Studio and Watching the Sunset

Today I woke up with the intention of recording additional footage of Professor Richard Armendariz at his studio/home and that is exactly what I did.

I arrived at his house at 11:06am. The lawn was splendid with lush green and bountiful trees. I knocked on the door and Ms. Armendariz answered the door. Soon I was lead to the garage... Ricky's studio where I began gathering footage to enhance the traditional interview footage. It was a very successful endevor and I got a more robust feel for his influence and tastes. Also getting to see his work up front, I was amazed at how the images online did it little justice. His work is truly breathtaking. Breathtaking because of the mesmerizing skylines he painted and because of the carving process and how the items carved in seem to belong to the painting.

I look forward to incorporating this into the final interview.


I set up my Camera to watch the sun set at 7:45. It was a slow and beautiful progression. I am ashamed to say this but: was the first sunset I have ever seen.

I guess I never really marveled at the heavenly bodies. I never understood the desire to lay underneath the stars or sunrises. I did however enjoy the beauty of clouds. That's probably more to do with the fact that lots of digital illustrations call for a clear blue sky more so than the others.

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