Tuesday, May 4, 2010

07 - VRC Interview 02 - Richard Armendariz

With a more experienced hand and slightly stronger will, I was able to complete this interview piece of Professor Richard Armendariz. Unlike the Malaquias piece, this one was not rushed (at least not in editing) but that isn't to say it was easier.

Working with the Malaquias footage was slightly easier. Easier because the goal was much more set in stone. It was an interview where we gave a background of the artist, some advice to students, and then a promotion of his gallery opening. It was a simple plan that I had lots of guidance with.

However, the Ricky piece was a more hands off approach. I didn't really have a guideline other than "advice for students " and "3-5 minutes" this lead to a lot of self motivation and difficult decision making. It meant I had to decide what advice would resound the most with those who saw and and how to clearly present that. In turn, what that meant was, I had to leave a tremendous amount of footage on the cutting room floor. I had so many things I wanted to put in but I simply could not fit it in either for length, for clarity or for editing reasons. It was too much footage to fit into a 3 minute piece, yet too little to fit into a 5 minute piece. So I had to leave all sort of goodies such as information on his famous green mug, his art collection, his growing up stories... even the detail in his carvings.

On the plus side I and the VRC will have the additional footage in case I found myself permitted to revisit the project. In the meantime I hope you enjoy this heartwarming lesson on finding your own art style to marvel the world.

In the end this

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